Our Goals
- Improving self-esteem
- Keeping young people in school
- Helping improve academic skills
- Leading young people to resources they might not find on their own
- Providing support for new behaviors, attitudes and ambitions
- Increasing young people’s ability to seek and keep jobs
- Enhancing parenting skills
- All stayed in school, and their average attendance improved.
- Grade point averages were almost half a unit higher.
- Seniors were almost three times more likely to go to college.
- More trusting of parents or guardians and less likely to lie to them.
said mentors helped them raise their goals and expectations
went to college or planned to attend college within a year of graduation
improved their grades
said they felt some benefit from their mentoring relationship
About Us
The Kennedy Center of Louisiana is a community based non-profit organization founded in 2004 by Ms. Tonya Williams. Ms. Williams, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and Licensed Marriage and family Therapist has worked diligently to remove barriers and increase the quality of life for youth and adults with the most need for many years. It is her desire and the mission of The Kennedy Center of Louisiana to EMPOWER individuals to reach their full potential by supporting, teaching and linking them to resources in the community. It is our belief that all individuals are capable of SUCCESS and deserve the same quality of life regardless of their socioeconomic background and life circumstances.
In 2008, The Kennedy Center partnered with Queensborough Elementary School and Caddo Parish Schools to establish a school-based mentoring program entitled We All Winn Mentoring to combat the academic failure, poverty, delinquency, and illiteracy that is so prominent in the community. The Kennedy Center was awarded a grant by the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools to implement this school based mentoring initiative that matches non-related adult mentors with children (grades 4th – 5th) with the greatest needs to promote positive development and social responsibility, as well as improved academic achievement.
As a result of the success of the elementary school mentoring program the Kennedy Center of Louisiana has taken steps to launch several programs with the mentoring component for juveniles and adults.
This organization is constantly seeking volunteers to serve as mentors, advisory committee members, assist with events, such as fundraisers or recreational outing with our program participants. Please continue to browse the website and contact us if any additional information is needed.
Thank You
** The We all Winn Mentoring program is named in honor of Terrance Winn, a teenager tragically killed by gunfire at the age of 16.
Select a program below to learn more about it
- Therapeutic Foster Care
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
- Crisis Stabilization Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Street Outreach of Shreveport (SOS)
- Street Outreach of Shreveport - Basic Center Program
- Safe Haven of Shreveport II

PCIT is an evidence-based treatment for young children with behavioral problems. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy teaches caregivers new ways to play and interact with children ages 2½ to 7.

PCIT helps you interact with children who show behaviors such as:
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Destructive behavior or aggression
- Not listening to adults or peers
- Difficulty playing with other children
- Problems sitting still
PCIT is conducted through “coaching” sessions during which you and your child are in a playroom
while the therapist is in an observation room watching you interact with your child through a one-way mirror and/or live video feed. You wear a “bug-in-the-ear” device through which the therapist provides in-the-moment coaching on skills you are learning to manage your child’s behavior.
If you are interested, contact us below.
PCIT BrochureCrisis stabilization is intended to provide short-term and intensive supportive resources for the youth and his/her family. The intent of this service is to provide an out-of-home crisis stabilization option for the family in order to avoid psychiatric inpatient and institutional treatment of the youth by responding to potential crisis situations. The goal will be to support the youth and family in ways that will address current acute and/or chronic mental health needs and coordinate a successful return to the family setting at the earliest possible time. During the time the crisis stabilization is supporting the youth, there is regular contact with the family to prepare for the youth’s return and his/her ongoing needs as part of the family. It is expected that the youth, family and crisis stabilization provider are integral members of the youth’s individual treatment team.
Functional Family Therapy targets youths 10-18 at risk for severe behavior problems and delinquency. It is a cornerstone service of the Face Forward program. Intensive family therapy changes interaction patterns and develops skills such as communication, problem solving, conflict resolution and effective parenting. Five phases of treatment are tailored to the unique characteristics of each family.
Safehavens of Shreveport is a Transitional Living Program designed to give runaway, homeless, and throw away young men between the ages of 16-21 safe and stable shelter for up to 18 months with adult supervision. The ultimate goal is to help build independence and self-sufficiency by improving life skills, educational completion, job training/placement, and other necessary referrals to supportive community services and positive long term connections. Service provision includes individual goal setting, aftercare services, and mentoring to strengthen participant’s relationships with positive role models to assist in them developing into responsible adults. Referrals will come through community partners, individual referrals, and Safehaven’s Street Outreach workers.
Street Outreach is a program that has focused on touching an often overlooked and neglected aspect of homelessness, the throwaway, homeless, and runaway youth. It is designed to help these individuals get back on the right track and leave the streets. We may be able to offer the participants options that they have not considered or know about. Our main goal is reducing the number of youth living on the streets often becoming victims of sexual/ drug abuse, violence and exploitation.
We provide crisis intervention, temporary youth shelter referrals, safe alternate living arrangements or transitioning back to the home if that is the best option for the youth. We also work to address their immediate needs such as food, clean clothing, survival aid items, hygiene kits, showers and a listening ear. We also offer skill building workshops that will equip them with necessary ,pertinent information for life on or off the streets.
To refer to Safehavens of Shreveport contact the Transitional Living Program Director or print off and fax an application to 318-675-1124. If you would like to be involved with our Street Outreach of Shreveport Program, contact us below.
Street Outreach of Shreveport
Basic Center Program
This program provides youth up to 18 with
emergency shelter, food, clothing, counseling,
and referrals to health care.
• Food, clothing, medical care, and other services that
youth need (offered either directly or by referral)
• Individual, group, and family counseling
• Recreation programs
• Education and employment assistance
• Outreach to youth who may need assistance, as well
as public and private agencies that work with youth and
• Aftercare services for youth following their stay
at a shelter or host home
Office: 318-675-1112 • Fax: 1-866-307-9980
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-RUNAWAY
SafeHaven of Shreveport II
Scope of Services
Safehaven of Shreveport II (SOS II), a program that will meet the Goal of the OVC’s Housing Assistance program: to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of human trafficking. SOS II will use a victim-centered approach to provide 1) safe, stable transitional housing for trafficking victims throughout northwest Louisiana, female and male, ages 16 – 22, for six to 24 months, and 2) an array of supportive services that have shown effectiveness in stabilizing trafficking victims, to aid them in defining personal goals, developing educational and employment skills, and accessing needed resources to become independent and empowered.
Services provided
A plan for each client includes immediate placement into transitional housing, accompanied by access to a variety of social services, including:
- Conducting intake process and screening assessment with TKCL’s Case Manager.
- Identifying transitional housing placement most suitable for the HTV client.
- Creating a voluntary education, skills training and employment action plan within 72 hours of residential settlement, and providing individual case management to each SOS II client.
- Providing trauma-informed therapy to educate victims about the dangers of human trafficking and the impact it has on their lives.
- Providing group and individual counseling and weekly support groups.
- Providing wardrobe assistance for the workplace.
- Creating a stable, enriched environment and routine for each victim in which they can feel individually invested in their new life and participate in personal growth and opportunity.
- Ensuring clients have daily access to their case manager.
- Follow-up services to HTV client who have secured permanent housing.
Participating in all services is voluntary and is not a requirement for housing placement.
Females and Males, ages 16 – 22, identified by a partnering law enforcement agency or social service agency as human trafficking victim , who are in need of housing as a result of human trafficking. Must be sober and remain free of drugs and alcohol.